TheOnoZone 1:1 Chess Coaching

Improve your chess while having a good time with Ono from TheOnoZone,

a chess coach specialised in Adult Improvers

  • Private 60-minute chess lesson every week or every 2 weeks where we analyse your games together + dive into your biases and knowledge gaps
  • Lesson preparation unique for each lesson based on your most recent games
  • Homework assignments customized to your learning style to build sustainable habits
  • Personalised study plan to reach your chess goals
  • Continuous (voice) message support for all things chess

>> BONUS: Access to private online Discord community exclusively for students of TheOnoZone <<

How many chess lessons would you like?

After your free trial lesson, you can choose how you want to continue your chess coaching:

Best value

Weekly Lessons

  • Private 60-minute chess lesson every week
  • All of TheOnoZone 1:1 Chess Coaching benefits

€50 / lesson*

€215 / month

Most popular

Biweekly Lessons

  • Private 60-minute chess lesson every 2 weeks
  • All of TheOnoZone 1:1 Chess Coaching benefits

€60 / lesson*

€130 / month

*You don't just get chess lessons, you get chess coaching outside of your lessons as well.

I’m available throughout the week for my students to discuss games, answer questions about homework, and provide extra clarity to the concepts you are studying. With me as your chess coach, you’ll get someone who’s excited to be watching and checking your online games.

I’ll be supporting you every step of the way. I’ll pick you up after a bad game, hold you accountable to show up for the work and celebrate your victories with you - I’m there for everything chess in your life!

Note: I currently teach aduly beginners and post-beginners rated <1100 FIDE or online equivalent (<1600 Lichess rapid/classical, <1300 rapid).

*You don't just get chess lessons, you get chess coaching outside of your lessons as well.

I’m available throughout the week for my students to discuss games, answer questions about homework, and provide extra clarity to the concepts you are studying.

With me as your chess coach, you’ll get someone who’s excited to be watching and checking your online games.

I’ll be supporting you every step of the way. I’ll pick you up after a bad game, hold you accountable to show up for the work and celebrate your victories with you - I’m there for everything chess in your life!

Note: I currently teach aduly beginners and post-beginners rated <1100 FIDE or online equivalent (<1600 Lichess rapid/classical, <1300 rapid).

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is included in TheOnoZone 1:1 Chess Coaching?

You can choose between Weekly Lessons or Biweekly Lessons.

However, TheOnoZone 1:1 Chess Coaching includes much more than just chess lessons. You won't just get a chess teacher, you'll get a fulltime chess coach.

This includes:

  • Private 60-minute chess lesson every week / every 2 weeks

In your chess lesson, we'll analyse one of your recent games together and we'll dive deep into your thought process, weaknesses, and knowledge gaps. Even though I take chess improvement very seriously, I definitely like to teach in a casual atmosphere and make it fun for you!

  • Lesson preparation based on your recent games

I never work with a fixed format. Each and every one of your lessons is diligently prepared based on what's happened in your chess journey since our last lesson. The lesson prep usually takes me as long as the lesson itself!

  • Lesson summary after every lesson

You'll get a voice message with an overview of the main insights from your last lesson within 24 hours. This helps to keep you focused and motivated.

  • Homework assignments customized to your learning style

Every week, I'll give you homework assignments based on where you are in your chess journey, your preferred learning styles and what we decided you should be working on next. I'm not a high school teacher, so you won't get in trouble if you don't finish your homework on time. The exercises are there to point you in the right direction and keep you accountable so you can build sustainable chess training habits, and ultimately reach your chess goals.

  • Personalized study plan to measure your progress and take your chess improvement to the next level

You can download my Free Study Plan Template to track your chess training daily. With my students, I take it a step further. We'll discuss your current chess training, both knowledge and skills, and will decide on a clear path forward. We'll continuously adapt your training based on your development.

  • Continuous (voice) message support for all things chess

Throughout the week, I'm there for you for all things chess. In one message I may be answering your question about a new opening you're playing, in the next I'm giving you suggestions for that OTB game you have coming up, and a while later I might be picking you up after a loss and sending my notes on your game. I'm also monitoring your online chess profile and watch your games live whenever I can. I'm here 24/7, you decide when to reach out!

  • BONUS: Access to private online Discord community exclusively for students of TheOnoZone

Once you become a student, you'll get access to TheOnoZone Students Community. This online Discord community is exclusively available to my chess coaching students. Here you'll be able to interact with other Adult Improvers, solve the 'puzzle of the week' and find peer support in the sometimes solitary pursuit of chess greatness.

How are your monthly prices calculated?

For the weekly and biweekly lessons of TheOnoZone 1:1 Chess Coaching, I use the average of 4.345 weeks in a month to calculate the monthly price.

  • The monthly price calculation for Weekly Lessons is: €50/lesson * 4.345 = €215/month
  • The monthly price calculation for Biweekly Lessons is: €60/lesson * (4.345 / 2) = €130/month

Monthly prices are always rounded down in your favor. All prices include VAT and vendor transfer fees (PayPal or Stripe).

Can I purchase 1 individual chess lesson only?

No, because I know that real chess progress takes time. I also don't want to take on too many students, so you really get my full attention when you sign up for my coaching.

If it's your first lesson with TheOnoZone, you should book a Free Trial Lesson so you can get to know me and my teaching style risk-free.

I have another question. How can I reach you?

Feel free to contact me by sending an email to I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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